Timothy J. Horton


I wish to acknowledge the kind assistance I have received from many friends in the design and construction of my layout, without whom it would not have been possible:

Michael Batten - assistance with turnout installations and repairs, 2021 layout move, operating crew

Jeff Briggs - 3D rendering, painting and weathering of locomotives, rolling stock and vehicles

Roger Burrows - reference photographs for locomotives and rolling stock circa 1977

Gerry Clare - assistance with research at the South Peace Historical Society Archives

Anthony Craig - installation of support brackets, construction of first benchwork sections, panel mounts

Mark Dance - assistance with design and supply of helix occupancy detection system

Brian Elchlepp - assistance with research into Dawson Creek Subdivision, reference photographs

Mark Forseille - reference photographs of locomotives circa 1977

Kyle Gardiner - loan of his airbrush and paint booth for me to start airbrushing when needed

Victor Gilbert - computer network interface support, design and supply of fast clock system

Andrew Grenier - computer artwork for track schematic panels and turnout control panels

Keith Hansen - reference photographs of Dawson Creek circa 1970s

Mark Hepher - supply and installation of LED layout lighting

Doug Hicks - assistance with various electronic, soldering and wiring projects

Dave Hunter - assistance with 2021 layout move

Greg Kennelly - assistance with planning, technical advice, custom decal artwork, and much more

Kevin Knox - laser cutting of helix sub-roadbed, 3D rendering and printing of bridges and structure parts

John Licharson - Lenz Digital Plus DCC system technical support (TLA Custom Models)

David Mackinnon - decoder and lighting installations for locomotives, lumber loads (Details N Scale)

Trevor Mills - assistance with field and file research at the West Coast Railway Heritage Park

Michael Pasch - Lenz Digital Plus DCC system technical support (Accessory Pathways)

Ken Perry - reference photographs of Dawson Creek Subdivision circa 1977

Claude Prutton - reference photographs of rolling stock circa 1977

Ross Pugsley - reference photographs of locomotives and rolling stock circa 1977

Nolan Stewart - reference photographs for rolling stock, 2021 layout move, operating crew

John Walter - construction and installation of most benchwork sections, 2021 layout move, operating crew

Philippe Whyte - assistance with JMRI computer interface, custom decal artwork, operating crew

Scott Wright - custom decal artwork and decal printing (Solidesign)

Richard Yaremko - reference photographs of rolling stock circa 1977

The following businesses have also been helpful in supplying various components during construction of my layout:

Accessory Pathways (Kingston ONT) - current importer and distributor of Lenz Digital Plus DCC products

Benjamin Moore (North Vancouver B.C.) - paint for benchwork, fascia, panel mounts

Details N Scale (Portland OR) - custom decoder and lighting installation, log and lumber loads

Intercity Hobbies (Langley B.C.) - our local hobby shop for roadbed, track and more

Home Depot (West Vancouver & Burnaby B.C.) - shelving uprights and brackets, supplies, tools

Imperial Trophies (Burnaby B.C.) - custom lamicoid control panels and indicator panels

MRO Electronics (Vancouver B.C.) - various electronic components such as wire, heat shrink, etc.

Precision Design Co. (Altona MB) - custom decal printing

Rona, Inc. (North Vancouver B.C.) - hardware such as clamps, screws, etc., tools

RP Electronics (Vancouver B.C.) - various electronic components such as LEDs, RJ12 jacks, etc.

Tam Valley Depot (San Diego CA) - miniature servos, drivers and frog juicers for turnout control

Tidey's Trophies (North Vancouver B.C.) - custom lamicoid control panels and indicator panels

TLA Custom Models (Kingston ONT) - former importer and distributor of Lenz Digital Plus DCC products

Tony's Train Exchange (Essex Jct. VT) - supply of DCC system components, decoders

I am also grateful to several individuals who provided me with the opportunity to serve on their regular operating crews for many years including Anthony Craig, Gary Hinshaw, Brian Morgan, Brian Pate and Steve Stark. The experiences gained in operating on other layouts was of great value in designing my own layout for enjoyable and prototypical operations.

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